It's not on things, it's INSIDE of them.

Elementag adds a layer of information to any material or product, making it identifiable and traceable. It is an invisible and permanent alteration, indistinguishable from the starting condition, but which tells a precise story, just like a fingerprint.

How does it work?

01. Encoding

A specific nanoparticle composition is associated with a unique identifying code and a set of information decided by the client (e.g. a brand, a factory, a production batch, an individual item, etc.).

2. Production

We manufacture the nanoparticles with that exact composition using our proprietary technology.

3. Integration

Nanoparticles are integrated as markers. They can be applied as a surface coating, added during the molding / casting process or, alternatively, can be used to mark a small portion of the object to be traced. No matter what solution is selected, we always try to minimize the impact on our clients' processes.

4. Detection

Elementag can be detected in a simple, quick and accurate way thanks to a portable scanner (handheld XRF analyzer), which allows for an on-site detection, without the need of labs or specific analysis.

How does it work?

01. Encoding

A specific nanoparticle composition is associated with a unique identifying code and a set of information decided by the client (e.g. a brand, a factory, a production batch, an individual item, etc.).

2. Production

We manufacture the nanoparticles with that exact composition using our proprietary technology.

3. Integration

Nanoparticles are integrated as markers. They can be applied as a surface coating, added during the molding / casting process or, alternatively, can be used to mark a small portion of the object to be traced. No matter what solution is selected, we always try to minimize the impact on our clients' processes.

4. Detection

Elementag can be detected in a simple, quick and accurate way thanks to a portable scanner (handheld XRF analyzer), which allows for an on-site detection, without the need of labs or specific analysis.

Let objects tell their story

Sources & Origin

One of the key characteristics of Elementag is its "processability". It can be used to physically trace products across all stages of manufacturing, from raw material to end of life.


Assign an invisible, permanent and unique code to a batch of products or even to a single item to certify its authenticity. Thanks to its complexity it would make original products even harder to counterfeit, but easier to authenticate.


Guarantee pure quality to your customers thanks to Elementag. The relative concentration of our markers can be used against dilution and adulteration as a certification of quality.


Limit recalls & dumping due to inferior-quality and increase stakeholders’ accountability, by precisely identifying specific batches thanks to traceable materials.

Data Mining

You will be able to extract and more accurately attribute useful data to improve your processes.

How do we fare compared to other technologies?


Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance

Barcodes & QR codes

Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance

NFC & RFID tags

Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance

Holograms /

Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance


Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance

DNA & Microbial

Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance

Optical fingerprints

Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance

Barcodes &
QR codes

RFID tags

Holograms / Tamper-evident


DNA & Microbial

Optical fingerprints


Invisible to the naked eye
Fully embedded / Not removable
High encoding capacity
On-site reading
Processing resistance

Try Elementag. Contact us!

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